6 thoughts on “The 6778 Strategy part 1! $$$

  1. Great one! Loved it. To me anytime you can win $500 or more it's a great day.

  2. Nice strategy.
    I enjoy watching your videos and learning more each time.
    Haven’t seen you talk about ‘taking odds’ with pass line or the don’t pass and how that may change a strategy?
    Appreciate your effort, thanks

  3. Nice Strategy Waylon! Even with all those PSO's it recovered and made nice profit.

  4. Sweet…gonna try it on bubble craps today up in Blackhawk CO after I drop my charter goup off…I've got 5hrs to kill and a $900 bankroll…I think I'll start out with $5 pass line and $6 6&8…gracias senor!!!

  5. Good video. I guess this helps with avoiding Don't Pass come out losers. Otherwise I would just play the DP with this concept.

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