9 thoughts on “The”inside hop all across strategy”! Very hard to beat it! 40 rolls with seven7outs!600$ profit

  1. you are working awful hard, just subtract 135 from 225=take 90 and leave the bets up

  2. An easy way to figure your net payout is: level one 35 and 30, level 2 will be twice as much as level 1, 35 times 2=70 and 30 times 2 =60, and level 3 is 3times 35 = 105, and 3 times 30 =90.

  3. Nice strategy, an easy way to remember the payouts on the different levels is each level wins either -50, +30 or +105.

  4. I like that we're just needing the one hit to level down. I have to remember to replace the hop bets, though. With all that, I don't have to be afraid of the 7. Good one, Waylon!

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