Why I’m quitting…

Craps Strategy Video Information:

Color Up Poker ♥️ ♣️ ♦️ ♠️

Source: YouTube

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Why I’m quitting…

10 thoughts on “Why I’m quitting…

  1. Keep up the excellent work. I have used a few of the strategies you have demonstrated. Lastly, I always mention your channel when people ask me about craps.

  2. Thank you Jeremy. I am here for the long haul. I appreciate your videos and I am happy to be a color up club member. 💙

  3. Good luck Jeremy, GSR is my favorite casino in Reno. I spent 10 days at the casino playing craps years ago and had some pretty good sessions playing on the pass line and come bets. I love your video work, so I hope this works out for you.

  4. Excellent video Jeremy. I’ve been a fan for a bit. Love to meet you in person one day soon. I’m a frequent LV mgm patron. Craps is my real passion inside the casinos. Wishing you the very best. Dr. G.

  5. Bold move! I like it! If you are gonna build something and you want it to be sustainable, there's no holding back. You have to be fully comitted, and nothing shows 100% commitment more than turning away clients and phasing out your day job! I'll definitely be coming along for the ride on your journey and I can't wait to see more live/recorded casino action.
    Good luck!

  6. You’ll notice he don’t say what kind of videos he edits at his day job…Must be o videos 😂

  7. You are and always will be the greatest craps channel on the planet. Thank you for all you do.

  8. Congratulations! I love this channel and have learned some interesting strategies here. Keep up the great work!

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