How to win 80-90% of time at the Craps table for a newbie.

Craps Tips Video Source:

In this video I show how a new Craps player can be successful at the game of Craps and still make money and build his confidence at the same time.

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Source: YouTube

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How to win 80-90% of time at the Craps table for a newbie.

8 thoughts on “How to win 80-90% of time at the Craps table for a newbie.

  1. I like the way your doing it, but i would do the inside put 4,10 money on the the 5,9 make 14 on a hit and put the odds behind your place bet instead, of racking them. I enjoyed the video keep up the good work. I liked that you put the numbers out there keeping track thats very important people dont keep track of that . its good you point it out.

  2. I like that you take your time to explain things and don't have a lot of distractions going on, like music, etc.

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