Q Best craps Strategy For Dice Controllers/setters/Monacout Craps

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Well people with this strategy I narrowed down the possibility of losing to 1out of 36 combinations! 2.7%chance to lose 2k and 97.3% chance to win every roll … if your a dice setter or controller this is your holy grail you only have to avoid 2-2 hard 4 any other combinations you win a little on Please like Sub and share Monacout Craps sorry no volume idk why it didn’t record any sound

Source: YouTube

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Q Best craps Strategy For Dice Controllers/setters/Monacout Craps

2 thoughts on “Q Best craps Strategy For Dice Controllers/setters/Monacout Craps

  1. Absolutely horrible system, 1 hard 4 comes in and you're basically wiped out. Better off putting your $$ in a pile and lighting it on fire!!

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