12 Poker Tells That Tell It All

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Learn the 12 most important tells there are in the game of poker! This video Kobie will have you busting major gut with his fun and unique style of poker training! In 8 min you will learn what it takes to begin to crush your local tournament or home game.

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12 Poker Tells That Tell It All

10 thoughts on “12 Poker Tells That Tell It All

  1. Some of these tells will be the absolute opposite and should be confirmed before banking on it. The fish are easily fooled with fake tells.

  2. Just be careful is he has Oreos at the table….and I will splesh de pote, whenver de feck I feel lak !

  3. You are so wrong. Most all the time a nervous player with shaking hands has a VERY STRONG HAND. This tell was my worst when I first started, also of the other 50 tells videos I have watched they all say they are strong hands.

  4. Omg, the comments are eating this guy alive, haha. Honestly, I feel it can go either way on these. There's so much mindloveery involved in poker that there's no one reliable way to "tell" anything, and that goes without mentioning any physiological factors (is it cold in there, is it warm, do they have to go take a pee?) or attire choices.

    And for those piranha in the comments,
    Plottwist: This dude is intentionally attempting to inflate bad news to fatten his own coffers by breeding weak players? xD

  5. Dissagree with point 9 , recheching hole cards …
    Dominic nitshe always double even triple checks his cards …
    Oh he has millions in live earnings.

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