How to become a Professional Poker Player | Stride Careers

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Poker is not gambling. Let’s get that established right away. Once you get over the taboo that comes with playing poker, you can actually consider it a serious career option.

Pratibha Arya is one of India’s best and youngest pro-poker players. At her first tournament in 2015, she placed in the top 6, winning a substantial cash prize. Since then she’s never looked back and soon went ahead to represent India at the Poker Nations Cup in Oxford and the IFMP Asian Nations Cup in Bangkok. She was also chosen to be one of two Indian players to play against the latest Artificial Intelligence computer bot – Deepstack, in Bangkok.

Watch the video to learn from her and decide if you want to up your game and take it pro!

Source: YouTube

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How to become a Professional Poker Player | Stride Careers

10 thoughts on “How to become a Professional Poker Player | Stride Careers

  1. Iam big fan off poker and iam big fan fan off you
    Iam sarthing to play proofisnal player

  2. You are very charming. You should be getting 6-digit+ viewers. Just my thoughts, may not apply – poker players need more indepth discussion. Non gamblers/players would avoid this.

  3. I have been playing for a long time and still it’s considered gambling in my country but I have moved on and I play in India sometimes.. Goodluck

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