How to Become a Professional Poker Player

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In this episode of Project Get Me Stackin’ Evan gives you r. The climate of the game may be more competitive than it was 5 years ago, but warmed with this info you can easily catch up to and overtake the competition. Learn how to maximize your earn, and how to make the most of your winnings as you progress in your career.


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How to Become a Professional Poker Player

10 thoughts on “How to Become a Professional Poker Player

  1. Sounds like a perfect fish))) you are a fish if you can't get up and leave when you lose and not try to get it back quickly.

  2. 5 questions:1. How much should I have for a starting bankroll?2. Which games have the most fish (besides hold'em?)3. Where should I move, besides Vegas, to start an online poker career?4. What's a good website or forum that gives good poker playing tips and strategies?5. What would u say is a good amount hours to work off of?

  3. it's simple , order a full tilt jersey and everyone will think your really loveing good, if they ask questions just refer them to your top 10 finish at grandma's

  4. Im not sure but ,if anyone else trying to find out how to play poker game try Card Crusher Fixer (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my buddy got excellent success with it.

  5. I am here to learn how to become a better poker player in live action games. Because the state I live in doesn't allow gambling on the internet. So if I do play online it is only for fun because I never have to spend any money to buy any chips I just have to wait so many hours to get my free chips. And I hardly ever play online because you are probably just playing against bots and you can never win against bots because they have unlimited chips

  6. social skills never made anyone a king, im an enforcer, a tyrant and above all else im a poker boss!

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