Live Poker Is INCREDIBLY Easy | Upswing Poker Level-Up

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Splashy live poker games with lots of action are incredibly profitable. But they can be incredibly frustrating too, especially if you don’t know how to adjust your strategy for maximum profit.

In this episode of Upswing Poker Level-Up, Mike Brady and Gary Blackwood cover the most critical adjustments that you must make when playing in loose, splashy live poker games.

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Live Poker Is INCREDIBLY Easy | Upswing Poker Level-Up

10 thoughts on “Live Poker Is INCREDIBLY Easy | Upswing Poker Level-Up

  1. I want to add a little extra context to something: Gary mentions that he knows some very good live players who min-raise in early position. But those guys don't play $1/$2 or $2/$5. It's very rare that a min-raise is the best option in those lower stakes games. However, raising smaller from early position and bigger from late is a good idea. Min-raise is just too small (imagine raising to $4 at $1/$2 lol).

  2. Excellent video @Mike Brady and @Gary Blackwood! To add to this great list, the live poker population tends to severely underbluff and to massively overcall. The natural (in a vacuum) adjustment is overfolding and relentless (thin) vbetting like mentioned in the video. On the overfolding side, this includes folding several playable hands preflop, under-defending versus 3bets and making tight river folds (caveat: there are of course exception to this. Poker is not easy).

    Incidentally, for anyone new to this: This is much easier said than done. Extreme patience, temperament and self-control to potentially deviate from lines you would typically take against better competition are (underrated) skills that need cultivating like everything else in poker. In fact these skills are so important, I would argue that An ABC but consistent reg will always outperform a talented but impatient/fancy/"creative" player in the long run.

    Good luck to you all!

  3. Great content! Please reach io me when add more content pertaining to live on the 1/3 to 5/10 in the Lab. Thanks again for uploading this informative Vlog!

  4. fold 75s button multi-way? we are good enough not to stack off on 9876? Otoh, on 643, 52s pays us 100bb… I sort of get the point about divided equity, but would struggle to fold that….

  5. Just shared this video with a ton of friends who play these stakes like me…but in different states lol…thanks guys!

  6. Excellent episode, great advice for the only game in town where I am at present. I’d add, getting in the right mindset before sitting down is vital, as lots, and I means lots, of unexpected things will still happen.

  7. Thank you so much for this episode! I play at The Lodge, and it's extremely splashy at $1/$2. I'm trying to grind my way up, but I've been unable to figure out how to play effectively at The Lodge.

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