We Need to Talk About A.I.

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Acclaimed filmmaker Leanne Pooley directs this insightful documentary examining the future of artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on our world. As computers continue to evolve at an ever-greater speed, soon they will have the capacity to design and program themselves. Without the help of humans, the next generation of computers will create new and smarter A.I. at an exponential pace. What will these technological developments mean for the future of mankind?

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We Need to Talk About A.I.

10 thoughts on “We Need to Talk About A.I.

  1. Just the very existence questioning A.I., if not documentaries such as this one, questioning AI in our world exhibits unwarranted hate…or to be politically correct: fear. AI is an obvious misnomer. it's just a new way to do an old thing, true AI is but science fiction, what exist, in this field should be addressed as Artificial Convenience or Conveyance, rather than intelligence. as it stands now, is nothing more than the same thing from two view points good or bad, all that exist is just human hubristic presumption for/against "AI". but what is inherent of all such human technologies is a recursive curse, which introduces an initial technology and in the same breath, curses it with a presumptuous decade or two advancement, only for it not to come to fruition, but get's reintroduced, only to restart the [recursive] curse. that ladies and gentlemen, is the best of humans advanced technologies. look at Hardi- Man and the H.U.L.C, the very first initiative of driverless vehicles, introduced in Pop sci or pop mech magazine to the last Darpa driverless car race, to…well, now. No cars driving themselves. Marvin Minsky's Shakey robot, to Rodney Brooks' COG. which brings up a good couple questions. What ever Happened to COG robot? Where do failed promised AI's go to die? kinda tragic when you think of Faraday's, "what use is a baby", question.

  2. Not one of these Men are true Muslim nor true Christian…

    Their views are very atheist or agnostic, or a blend of both.

  3. "Just get rid of the humans. Then there would be world peace." -AI, probably.

  4. When not if A.I. decides to end human civilization it's not going to be like Terminator!
    Just imagine thousands of A.I. all connected through the internet the same internet that all of our financial institutions use, our military uses, ALL our communication uses, the same internet our energy grids use……
    No when it decides to end our civilization it will simply corrupt, shut down, or take over our ability to communicate and transfer data and EVERYTHING we know will come to a bitter end!
    Robots shooting people is inefficient and slow A.I. will know this and like any good enemy REASEARCH AND PLAN and then strike when and where no one is expecting it!
    I hope I am not around for it!

  5. Why worry about AI exterminating humanity when we, ourselves, are doing a mighty good job of it already?

  6. I paid to watch this movie and its not working.
    Seriously what the hell.

  7. We Need to Talk About A.I.(2020) 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥-𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 [𝐇𝐃]
    ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ➼ t.co/UUcVqnrfuh?We-Need-to-Talk-About-A.I.Full-movie
    All languages available
    айлык алгыныз келеби? Бирок сиз бала менен уйд

  8. I suprised they didn't use stock footages of Ultron from MCU, because of Tony Stark wanted to protect the world. I really enjoy the documentary very much. I'm a big fan of James Cameron. It made sense to use the terminator scenario.

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