Yes, I’m an Amateur #SigmaPoker

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Phil Hellmuth can’t believe amateur Nick Wright bluffed him in Poker After Dark Season 13.

#Poker #Amateur #Sigma #PokerOnline #SigmaMeme

Source: YouTube

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Yes, I’m an Amateur #SigmaPoker

10 thoughts on “Yes, I’m an Amateur #SigmaPoker

  1. If a pro does it, its a read. If an amateur does it, it s goofy.

  2. Just saw a video with phil. Raise , reraise…all in. Phil with 52 off. Everyone: phil is so good. Here, because it s not phil, it s goofy.
    Poker is luck. Point.

  3. So, if that was Phil Ivey that would be regarded as a master-stroke, but because this guy is an unknown he's a donkey? This is what bads me about poker, professionals think THEY are the only ones who SHOULD have the privilege to play poker

  4. I don’t understand why poker pros are baffled by the concept of bluffing you CANNOT play only hands where you have pairs or better you just can’t you’ll get blinded out.

  5. "Goofy to play amateurs." Thought you should remain humble in this game.

  6. Even if he calls tho dude is like 40% to win with overs and backdoors. Stupid game but always fun to needle an asshole

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