Poker Strategy Info And Source:
Learning how to crush with suited connectors will help increase your poker win rate drastically! Learn these 3 tips from Jonathan Little to start dominating your opponents when you get those sexy suited connectors!
Suited connectors should make you lots of money, but too many small stakes players make huge errors with them! Jonathan is going to give you his 3 best tips to help you stack more opponents!
In this poker strategy video you’re going to learn:
– How to play (and NOT play) suited connectors preflop
– How to avoid huge postflop mistakes
– Tips for live cash games & tournaments
You should stop thinking about suited connectors as either good or bad hands, it depends entirely on the stack depth and situation. When you are short stacked, suited connectors are not great hands but when you are deep stacked they are excellent hands! This is because of implied odds which is the amount of $$$ you stand to win on later streets when you make a very strong hand!
When you are deep-stacked, you typically want to have equity when you decide to bluff. Suited connectors are great hands to bluff with because they typically draw to straights and flushes. Being aggressive at the poker table allows you to steal the pot from your opponents, whilst still being able to outdraw them and ‘get there’ on future streets!
Suited connectors are excellent because they make straights & flushes, but remember that they also make weak 1-pair hands quite often. If you want to maximize your profits and crush your opponents at the poker table, you have to learn to recognize when your marginal poker hands should simply fold!
0:00 – Intro
0:07 – Suited Connectors Can Be Very Profitable!
0:58 – Play Suited Connectors When Deep-Stacked
2:08 – Raise First In Ranges – 20bb vs 80bb
3:24 – Facing A Raise When You Are The Button
5:28 – Bluff With Suited Connectors Postflop
6:08 – Poker Hand Example #1 – 98s
8:07 – Poker Hand Example #2 – 54s
11:34 – Don’t Pay People Off With Marginal Hands
12:04 – Poker Hand Example #3 – 76s
13:38 – Poker Hand Example #4 – 65s
15:30 – 3 Tips To CRUSH With Suited Connectors
On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!
In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.
Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?
#pokerstrategy #suitedconnectors #pokerlesson
Source: YouTube

What is your favorite suited connector that you love to play?
3:13 Are the charts backwards or something? you always open j8s 20bb deep but only open it sometimes 80bb deep. similar thing w q8s. 87s youre opening less 80bb deep then u do w 20bb. seems like the only hands u play MORE 80bb deep are 76s and 65s. so why do you value 87s less but 76s more 😵💫
sorry if im nitpicking but im hopong to get a conceptual understanding so i dont have to memorize 7 different rfi charts for all 9 positions.
89s is my favorite I’ve stacked people flopping a straight w it a few times haha
2:20 Unless I'm misreading something, looking at LJ RFI 20 BBs vs 80 BBs, 87s gets opened MORE often at 20 than 80, not less often. In general the ranges were wider at larger stack depths, but why would this specific holding be opened less often at 80 BBs than at 20?
I love these. I am using poker coaching as well. I’m tired of being the fish at the table so i have been trying to get better at managing tilt and bankroll management. Working on 3-betting more and and also x raising too.
Great video! 👍
Thanks to studying your content Jonathan, I've won 2x $55 live MTTs this week & 2x more final tables. 👍🦘💛
What about 3 bet spots? When to defend 3 bets? When to be 3 betting?
I've had a lot of luck with 76s and 65s
love your tips ❤❤ will join your coaching class soon !!!