Poker Vlog – Live Poker During Pandemic – I Remember How to Win!?!? (Winning Session) Poker Vloggers

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Getting back into the cash game action after missing time due to Corona. My Poker Vlog is up and coming and while I don’t have the bankroll or play the stakes like Brad Owens Poker vlog, Andrew Neeme poker vlog or Jaman Burton poker vlog, but I’m out here grinding.

This Poker Vlog 2020 follows my story. Andrew Neeme’s vlog was my inspiration and now I’m trying to make my own way.

This is the newest episode of my Poker Vlog.

Follow along on twitter:
I use… to improve my game.

Source: YouTube

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Poker Vlog – Live Poker During Pandemic – I Remember How to Win!?!? (Winning Session) Poker Vloggers

6 thoughts on “Poker Vlog – Live Poker During Pandemic – I Remember How to Win!?!? (Winning Session) Poker Vloggers

  1. In my view for Hand#1 , flop bet was too big, not too many hands can make that call, espcially for the rainbow semi disconnected board . if the vallian is a decent player, Any hand called both your huge flop bet and turn bet, you don't bit too much once you guys reach the river. Of course, if the vallian is wild, then there definitely are a lot of hands that are wise than yours

  2. First time on your vlog.
    I like it. What do you think about dropping the word strategy for the word Vlog, I believe you’ll get many more subscribers.
    You asked about comments on your game, here it is, is it possible that you play with a small bankroll? Is it possible that you play with fear of losing money instead of playing to win?
    ( doesn’t mean i am pushing you to play irresponsibly )

  3. On that hand where you had KK and you 4-bet…$200 is a pretty okay size there. I think that, given your stack was $450 you might have wanted to go slightly smaller to give the SB the illusion of fold equity and possibly induce a light jam. A size of $160 will more often induce said jam or possibly trap your opponent in the hand with some weaker holdings.

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