10 thoughts on “Preflop Heads Up Poker Strategy

  1. Paul is a great coach and friend. I learned a lot with him! If u have doubts about being coached by him, if u have the chance, take it now! He makes a lot of effort to understand your side, to spot your leaks and to fix them quickly. Thanks for the video Paul!

  2. Excellent content and style.  My only complaint is that you suggest certain hands for hero but not %s.  E.g. V calls 100% of our raises, H should tighten up his opening range. Should H fold bottom 20% of hands? 30%?

  3. Nice video. I just got a doubt, in the third situation, what about opening with more hands, widen our opening range?, so that we can take advantage of the fold equity.

  4. I like to call a min-raise not because its weaker, or to widen my range. Its the fact that a high percentage of the time my hand holds more equity than the 25% required to call the raise profitably.

  5. For printing:


    Villain is opening 100% in position. What are your two adjustments?

    1) Widen your 3betting range

    2) Widen you BB calling range

    What if villain is not folding to 3bets. What is your adjustment?

    1) To only 3bet for value hands ( qj, kj, k10s, j10s etc)


    What two adjustments do you make if your opponent is not folding at all in the BB to a standard min raise?

    1) Increase your bet size to 2/3 or 3x pre flop

    2) stop opening with complete junk hands. (37o)


    What do you do if you start off your game by opening with a standard 2/3's raise and villain is folding 65% or more in the BB?

    1) Decrease you size to a min raise

    * If he calls more with the min raise, just go back to the 2.5

    PRE FLOP 4

    How do you adjust if your opponent is 3betting pre flop over 25%? ( 4 answers)

    1) Tighten up your pre flop opening range

    2) Start to 4bet (bluff/value)

    3) Widen your 3betting flatting range

    4) Establish a limping range

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