Spot Poker Tells Like a PRO

Poker Strategy Info And Source:

If you’re wondering how to spot poker tells like a poker pro, you need to start with realizing that spotting poker tells isn’t an exact science and is entirely player dependent. Let’s explore what that means.

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The truth is that most poker tells or poker reads are not universal and are entirely player specific.

There are some ‘standard’ poker tells (especially for new poker players or beginner poker players!) but most reads you’ll get are based on the individual you’re trying to crush.

At the end of the day you need to be paying attention to your opponent and paying attention to the poker hands they showdown with.

Make sure to establish a lot of data and pick up your tells over a long period of time. You don’t want to be adjusting your poker strategy because you saw one player play one hand weird once.

If you’re building huge chip stacks already but still looking for how to improve at pot limit omaha, no limit hold ‘em, or poker in general, Phil Galfond is here to teach you how to think like a professional poker player.

Are you a new poker player or a poker beginner? Do you just need the best poker strategy and best poker tips or do you have a high-stakes poker related question you’d like a poker professional’s advice on? Leave a comment and your question might end up in the next one of these quick poker tips videos!

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Source: YouTube

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Spot Poker Tells Like a PRO

5 thoughts on “Spot Poker Tells Like a PRO

  1. To make sure my read is correct I grab the dude from the neck and scream to his face "what do you have!!"… If they cry it's a bluff… 😅

  2. Spot on. Every player has intracacies of how and why they do things while playing a hand. It's all about spotting them to give yourself any edge possible.

  3. Thanks for the video. I just saw myself doing putting chips in carefully when I had a monster yesterday.

  4. Hey Phil, thanks for the grind. I know you’ve been working hard putting out so much constantly and it’s much much appreciated. Keep it coming champ it really helps me get through the day

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