This Poker GENIUS BROKE The Solver

Poker Strategy Info And Source:

Stefan Burakov is widely regarded as one of the best poker players in the world. In this video, we formulate a hypothesis for how he devises his unconventional poker strategies, analyzing a few heads-up hands he recently played against LLinusLLove.

Credit to bCp – Poker Replays for the original vid:

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This Poker GENIUS BROKE The Solver

10 thoughts on “This Poker GENIUS BROKE The Solver

  1. Fun Fact: We ran several custom preflop sims to account for the various 3bet sizings being used by Stefan which significantly changed the postflop strategies, and 100% of Linus' plays were solver approved other than his 3bet with J9h on the flop in the last hand.

  2. I like the analysis, but that transition that makes the screen look like it's spinning every time you show a new GTO snapshot is nauseating.

    12:00 I can't watch this, as it literally makes me dizzy.

  3. Basically Stefan plays every hand in a vacuum and tries to get the most EV out of his exact hand- whether that be using it as a bluff, a value bet or a call.

    I played a hand against him where he had the nut flush on a paired board and he just went for stacks using huge sizing's (even though it wasn't really a thing in the solver).

    I think his goal is just to challenge his opponents and put them out of their comfort zone, instead of being worried about being balanced. Obviously that can leave you exploitable in the process though, which is going to become a problem when you start to play players like Linus that can adapt their strategies very well.

    Nice video btw and +1 to more of this kind of content!

  4. This video should be titled, "how many stacks can Stefan punt off in a 20 minute video."

  5. In first hand J4s I think I check call flop but if I check raised I would also check turn and on that river I would go for the 3x pott allin It could be 44 77 46s 56off/suited 67off/suited 68 diamonds, I might be wrong but thats how I would played this if check raise flop. Can also be A6 diamonds and some other diamond combos with the 6 but I guess A6s is 3bet?

  6. Hi, u posted about “guerrilla poker” and A-Game, but i actually CANT find the A game channel. How is that possible?

  7. 6:45 Nothing like someone spiking a 2 outer on the turn to demonstrate poker theory lol

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