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Continuing our Mastering The Fundamentals series, Jonathan covers how your poker strategy should change when multiple people are involved in a hand; learn how to master multiway pots to crush your opponents!
In most low stakes poker games you will find that the majority of pots will have multiple players involved. These multiway pots can be tricky to navigate and lots of players make huge mistakes by playing too many hands and finding themselves dominated when all of the chips end up in the middle!
As more players enter the pot, you must proceed with caution. Offsuit hands are especially terrible multi-way because you are somewhat likely to be dominated. Marginal suited hands also lose a lot of value. Your 3-betting range should become tighter and more linear.
Jonathan looks at the differences in the ranges preflop when facing a single open and then when facing a caller in between you and the opener. Your range should tighten! He also looks at the differences in the range of poker hands that decide to 3-bet rather than just call when facing a raise and a caller.
It is important to learn some of these important postflop multi-way concepts.
The nut & range advantage are both greatly reduced as more ranges are in the pot. Because they are reduced, the strategies that come with a large range and/or nut advantages are also greatly reduced. This means that very high frequency bets no longer occur as well as huge bet sizes. Some general adjustments that you should make are defending significantly tighter when facing aggression in multi-way pots. You should be over-folding when you are not closing the action due to equity realization factors.
Hand strength will typically downgrade in multiway pots. Continuing ranges should be much tighter so you need more equity to put money in the pot. Cleaning up equity has more merit in multiway pots. Some general adjustments that you should make are constructing your bets in a more linear manner. Make sure you are using fewer ‘no equity’ bluffs and more hands that need protection in your betting range.
When you have the option to use aggression you should check far more frequently, you should use smaller bet sizes on average and you should construct your bets/raise in a more linear manner. When you are facing aggression you should defend significantly tighter. You should over-fold your shared minimum defense frequency when you’re not closing the action.
0:00 – Mastering Multiway Fundamentals
0:37 – Preflop: Fundamentals
2:03 – Preflop: Hand Chart Examples
12:43 – Postflop: Nut & Range Advantage
14:52 – Postflop: Minimum Defense Frequency & Equity Realization
18:16 – Postflop: Aggression
18:48 – Postflop: Poker Hand Examples
34:45 – Mastering Multiway Fundamentals
On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!
In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.
Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?
#pokerstrategy #multiway #pokeradvice
Source: YouTube

Why should we use smaller bet sizes in multiway pots? 🤔
last week was my first time playing in 7 yrs , went up against 40 in a small afternoon tourny, i came in 8th on the bubble , just missing my first cash. So i went back and listened to Jonathans audio book ,"master the small stacks game" and now i realize how many mistakes i made. With the knowledge gained from your book. im just a small stakes player , and i plan to dominate the small stacks games. Jonathan im excited to finally play this game smart and win these tournaments, especially the cash games. You are the best.
Hey Jonathan, why is Ace 8 suited rated so much higher of a raising hand than Ace 7 suited (which says to fold 1/2 the time)? @4:21 for reference in the chart. Flush wise you'd have the nut flush, and the 7 or 8 won't make a difference and neither helps make the lower straight. I'm trying to understand if the 8 kicker plays that much more often than the 7 kicker in this scenario. (both are really top pair marginal kicker if an Ace hits and there's a raise and a call).
Greetings from my moms basement
With that K9HH hand is calling the turn bet ever ok or is check raising all in always the preferred method?
Perfect for small stakes play
Why does AJs never get raised but A10s does approx. 40 percent of the time?
This is so relevant to these fish ponds in low-stakes. Awesome content Jonathan, thank you as always
💪💪 greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷🇧🇷