Poker Tips Video Source & Information:
The ultimate guide for moving up in stakes in poker. Hope it helps accelerate your career!
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#poker #pokerstrategy #pokercoaching #onlinepoker #pokermadesimple
Source: YouTube

I make ~150BB/100 on play money sites but I can’t go to real money site because I’m underage.
Stop teaching poker pls
Buenos tips ! gracias . Yo tengo esa costumbre de querer tener un super bankroll para suvir o querer tener ganado el nivel 😃😃
Amazing content Saulo, thank you. If you were an MTT player, what would your study routine be, taking into account that sessions are usually 6 to 10 hours on average?
Great video thanks for it. Would you do a video about tips or strategy for people that play micros from nl2 to nl25 for example. Is better play zoom or regular tables? Thanks and good luck
Someone stop this guy, he's content is too good😂😂
It's the same thing in chess, people just put in empty reps all the time. They'll play 20 5 minute games a day, not study and think their getting better.
How many hands should we use as "sample size" for "evidence"?
Hey Saulo first of all thanks for the regular precious content you release to us all!!! 😊 then i have some questiona related this video:
1. When you say practice you mean playing against solver righ? Wizard drills mode. So you think the best line would be to practice it for diferente spots, context positions etc on the same session, same week? Or do you think the practice session should be according to the content you are studying at the momento, for istance, im learning how to construct my range on 3bpots OOP from SB, then i do the practice mode only focusing on that…
2. Do you think about exploitative deviations while you are practacing?
3. How do you keep in mind the spot of study during grind? I think is natural to let go and just go through each spot that happens…
Thanks alot man for the free videos ❤