1 thought on “Old School Athene Pro Poker Tips

  1. 1:53 Position: Dealer, Small blind, Big Blind and BURP…
    ahaaaa… finally I get it… I've never BURPED on my turn… that's why I'm losing every hand… Thanks, Athene but still I have a long way to go to be a PRO like him because I have no idea what flipping, chip dumping or colluding means especially when it comes down to the tricks he performed with VIP points… he truly found a legal black hole in the system, but Pokerstars fix it, so no more exploits for us… yea those old good times, to learn more check out Dale Philips article ยป https://www.daleroxxu.co.uk/2010/07/chiren80-exploits-pokerstars-vip.html

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