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10 thoughts on “LIVE ROULETTE BATTLE – Full Table

  1. the guy with yellow chips had a whole extra stack did you guys not notice that??? he was silent about it too lmao

  2. Just one fella in Seahawks jersey with a tasteless joke…more than onceπŸ‘ŽπŸΎ

  3. None of these guys know how to play the true roulette. In this game, you can't sound chilling and you can't spare even one second. You have to take it in 100% seriously or else you will never beat the roulette. Dealer.

    The first rule is to be nice to the dealer.
    You are not there to make friends or waste some kind of time.
    you have to really know this game.
    Albert Einstein didn't play this game long enough and just did his own math.

    1. There is a 1 move you can beat this game and is the only one move.

    2. Give a dealer 100 dollars and go to the dollar betting table.

    3. Give 100 dollars each time and change to entire dollars.

    4. Bet the entire inside table with each number 3/4 dollars only of combination and empty only 4 spots.

    5. You will lose a few games in about 30 spins but you will win more. Even you win, tie or lose you can't be mad or bring out your emotions and bet exactly the same as the beginning
    This is why everyone loses because of emotions.

    6. Each win 3 dollars is 105. 4 dollars is 140. Each win you pocket 25 dollar green chip which is your winning. play the same exact game again and again for 3 hours.

    From 37 numbers covering 33 numbers, you will win more vs Casino. Consistency and Zero emotion play the same bet and make a goal each session like 800 dollars.

    You can't make too much money either or else they can try to do something so you have to put your head down. Try to visit different casinos and always wear and hat.

    Never give your players a card. Always go when your in good condition so no weed or drinking and lots of water. Here ya go everyone Top secrete released.

  4. Saw this a year after it was played. Totally pointless since no one was risking anything and virtually had unlimited funds. No true tracking of win/loss Add to that annoying constant chat.

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