10 thoughts on “Lightning Roulette 30 Number Strategy! Easy Profit!

  1. Je suis sur qu à la partie d après il a tout perdu on le voit miser 25 et peut être même doubler. Trop risqué et juste chanceux

  2. Hi there is nothing wrong with your strategy at all, your supposed to win £360 and lighting roulette are returning your stake without the wins on top they are ripping you off, I did this strategy on a table and yes it pays out £360 your supposed to profit,this company has robbed you of winnings you should of had .

  3. great win ,for most people the ball will land on the empty number on the first spin..

  4. I guess the reason he said essy strategy he just waiting for lighting numbers 👍

  5. Why you have choise 9-14-17-22-25-31-34? Is there a logically or just random numbers? Thx

  6. "I recommend this guide:
    So grateful it exists."

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