5 thoughts on “Roulette strategy – High probability of winning with just 1 strategy !

  1. If you win you got 1 but if you lose, you lose 5
    After lose how much you bet again to

  2. play 6chip 1to18 and 4 chips 3rd twelve and 1chips on 1st colum and 1chips on 3rd colum…total invest 12 u will win 15 chips sr…what u think sr reply

  3. Roulette Give you Chance to Win , If you Want To Know The Secret ? know me .🇺🇲🛷🏓🥊🥊

  4. Instead of betting 2k and 3k, why not just 1k and 2k? Either one still just pays 1k and you’ll lose 2k less on a miss.

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