SMALL BUY IN – “For The Peasant” Roulette System Review

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SMALL BUY IN –  “For The Peasant” Roulette System Review

10 thoughts on “SMALL BUY IN – “For The Peasant” Roulette System Review

  1. I would like to see what I call the "Pai Gow of Roulette" You make 4 street bets and 2 double street bets all of the same value with no overlap. Barring the 0's you have a 1/3 chance of winning (double), 1/3 chance of pushing, and 1/3 chance of losing. only 6 bets total and you only win and lose in increments of your total bet. Super easy.

  2. Would love if you guys did a video all about markers, how to get them, use them, how much to bring to vegas before a marker is just safer and all that

  3. This seems like too much risk for not enough reward. If you lose, you lose $50, but when you win it's only $22 or $10. So you need to win at least 3 spins to every loss, and that if you keep hitting the straight ups. If you keep hitting the 1/3's, then it's a 5:1 ratio to break even. I feel like this needs more hedge somewhere.

  4. I can’t believe I NEVER SEEN YOU GUYS! Subscribing and joining Patreon. I have been looking so long for a channel that is just like this but all I ever see are these fake roulette channels! So tired of playing on just luck! Glad I found you all!!

  5. aight e1 is high filming this. they hit 18 red then said -50 at 7:25 video time then Alex paid Lucky foe her win. Im drunk and high and I caught that 😜

  6. I really like this channel but would really like it if you explained more out the value of the chips. It always seems to be skirted over very quickly and I'm never sure what your putting on the table. You always talked about nickles and other American denominations but a lot of subscribers ate from other countries. Thanks

  7. I'd do 30-40 on 3rd 12, then straight up nickels on numbers. Buy in probably 500

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