Stupid Roulette strategy with Six Line bet… Not really stupid if looking…

Roulette Strategy Video Information:

This Six Line bet strategy may look like the most stupid roulette strategy. But if looking further, it is not. The potential ratio between the win and loss bets possibilities is on average correct. Adding ghost numbers elimination (last spinned numbers), like I did on this video can boost the player odds based on a long time range of many wheel spins.
Only two “Six Line” are played on this video. It is 2 chances from 6 possibilities ( plus the number 0, don’t forget ).
Just another kind of roulette strategy, but a special one…

Source: YouTube

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2 thoughts on “Stupid Roulette strategy with Six Line bet… Not really stupid if looking…

  1. robot voice
    imagine i had a book on horse racing you come out a winner
    you buy it in all these strategies you still come out a loser they are all crap
    who would want to tell of a winning formula

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