10 thoughts on “100% Best roulette winning strategy || roulette strategy || roulette

  1. Vielen vielen herzlichen Dank hab im richtigen online Casino so gut abräumen können hab in 7 min von 120€ auf 170€ kommen können vielen vielen herzlichen Dank das weiß ich sehr zu schätzen

  2. I won lacks of rupees in this game I will share my trick please follow you will win 1000 percent 5+5+10+10+15+15+20+20+25+25+30+30+35+35+40+40+45+45+50+50 total you have 20 numbers place bet like this choice 20 numbers accordingly then place like that on 2 number 5Rs/- then 2 numbers 10Rs/- then 2 numbers 15 rupees lik that okay and don't increase the bet be patience and wait till u win once u wil 3% in ur overall bet don't play take 15 mins breck let the roulette rotate the again come play same take 3% and then take 15 mins breck and again come take 3% then take 15 mins breck like that 1000000000 percent u will win if u won't take breck or if u increase the bet u will lost everything whatever u made remember ur Target is only 3 percent the 15 mins breck all the best 😎 i won lacks of rupees using this trick but remember patience is very very very important

  3. All this person is is some random guy putting up random bets not even explaining what he's doing or his strategy at all this video bad

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