Dragon Quest XI – CASINO: 1000000 Tokens – Roulette Jackpot in 2 Spins!

Roulette Tips Video Source & Information:

Just showing a quick jackpot win at the Octogonia casino. The casino does not appear until “Act 2” after you first go to the Yggrasil tree. Also be aware that you can’t keep any tokens earned there until you beat the casino boss so this is best done once the humans are back.

Basically talk to the bunny ear woman as shown at the beginning and make sure she says something about someone getting the jackpot soon. If she just ends with “don’t be a stranger” without saying such a comment, zoom to rest somewhere then return. Repeat until she says something like shown in the video.

At this point there are a couple of strategies that people generally use:

1) Put a max bet (2000) on 12 & 14. Sometimes this will give you a quick jackpot, sometimes it will not.

2) Check the “recent numbers” near the bottom during play. Pick numbers that show up twice!

My way is a mix of the two. If there are no repeated recent numbers, use 12 & 14. If there’s one, use that & 12 & 14. If there’re 2 use those and whichever out of 12 or 14 show at all on recent numbers. If neither 12 or 14 appear, take your pick. Eventually you should get a jackpot.

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoBdFj1THOCypKHTW-xN2ZWqoHtZiqjOS

Source: YouTube

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Dragon Quest XI – CASINO: 1000000 Tokens – Roulette Jackpot in 2 Spins!