How To Bet At Roulette – A Beginner’s Guide To Roulette

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A Beginner’s Guide to the bets of Roulette.
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Roulette Betting Breakdown:

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll be running through Roulette. How to play Roulette and what bets you can play.

We explain the different bets you can play with Roulette, from inside bets, to outside bets and what they all mean.

In this guide we take you through the basics of European Roulette, but in the link above, we also explain betting in American Roulette at our main site.

Once you understand the bets you can make, we hope it’ll give you the ability to make smarter betting strategies in the future. There are a whole host of bets to make in Roulette, far more than any other casino game. Blackjack and Poker offer nowhere near the range of bets that Roulette offers.

When it comes to casino games, Roulette is the king of betting strategies.

We explain straights, splits, streets, corner and six line bets. We also explain all the outside bets, such as high and low betting.

So if you want to to learn the basics of betting in Roulette then check out our video. If you follow the link to our site, there’ll also be plenty more resources explaining the probability of all bets you can make in both the American and European versions of Roulette.

Follow the links above for more information or check out Android Slots at for more news, reviews and fun stuff.

Source: YouTube

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How To Bet At Roulette – A Beginner’s Guide To Roulette

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