Expected Value in Poker Explained – Calculate EV Quickly

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Expected Value in Poker Explained – Calculate EV Quickly

6 thoughts on “Expected Value in Poker Explained – Calculate EV Quickly

  1. 6:32 In this part I didn't understand, if I'm ahead 25% of the time, why between the parenthesis there are 80 and 20% chances of "I don't know what" ?

  2. Hey Goku, did you consider the opportunity lost when checking the river? The calculations are assuming he will go all-in with all of his better hands, however some combos can check back the river, cause the river does bring a flush and straight that some of opponents will decide to check back their weaker two pair combos.

  3. Eu entendo a parte da moeda, mas no poker ainda fico na duvida. Se puder esclarecer.

    Ex: Se eu aposto 10 na moeda e ganho um pote de 25 caso acerte, a jogada é mais EV porque eu ganho mais do que o percentual de aposta. Mas isso faz sentido apenas se todas as apostas forem nesse valor.

    Se eu apostei 10 na coroa, e o pote valia 25, e eu perdi; Se continuar apostando com o pote valendo sempre 25 vai ser mais EV.

    Mas e se na próxima jogada o pote é de 5 reais? Se eu apostar 2 reais, teoricamente a jogada é mais EV, mas eu vou precisar ganhar 10 jogadas desta pra recuperar o que perdi no pote anterior de 25. E a cada 10 eu vou ganhar apenas 5.

    E no poker isso acontece muito, os potes nunca tem o mesmo valor.

  4. I understand the coin part, but in poker I'm still in doubt. If you can clarify.

    Ex: If I bet 10 on the coin and win a pot of 25 if I get it right, the move is more EV because I win more than the bet percentage. But that makes sense only if all bets are on that amount.

    If I bet 10 on the crown, and the pot was worth 25, and I lost; If you keep betting with the pot always worth 25 it will be more EV.

    But what if in the next play the pot is 5 reais? If I bet 2 reais, theoretically the move is more EV, but I will need to win 10 moves of this to recover what I lost in the previous pot of 25. And for every 10 I will win only 5.

    And in poker it happens a lot, the pots never have the same value.

  5. How do you estimate his range to be: 1) 48% JX and TX, 2) 38% Straight and flush draws, 3) 14% JT, 55? Thanks!

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