How to play 6+ Poker?

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Poker 6+ is a widely popular variation of standard poker games. The whole concept of the new game is hiding behind the games name, Poker 6+. It’s already communicating to the new players, that in front of them is all beloved poker game, but now rules are slightly changed and by changing and reimagining the game, attentive players now can dive deeper into the game, making it more interesting and adding new dynamic compared to the standard poker game. Poker 6+, have such a name, simply because, its deck consists of 36 cards and the lowest card in this deck is 6.
So, what are the differences between Poker 6+ and Standard poker to which we are got used to? To be honest, there are not a lot of them, and they are simple.
1. All cards lower than the 6 are being removed from the deck.
2. Ace is now part of the Straight combination A-6-7-8-9
3. Flush combination becomes higher, than the Full-house
4. Three of a kind combination becomes higher, than the Straight combination.
Nothing difficult, right? Let’s make it clear, how to play Poker 6+.
Try it now –

Source: YouTube

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How to play 6+ Poker?

3 thoughts on “How to play 6+ Poker?

  1. Did you not see the movie???? The player is winning with 3 of a kind… 6+ is 3 of a kind higher as a straight

  2. 6+Hold`em
    1.player hand-8,9
    2.Player hand-A,6
    Deck Cards-A,6,7,k,7
    Please tell me i am 2. but i loose

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