How to Play Ultimate Texas Hold Em’

Learn Texas Holdem Video Source & Info:

Learn how to play Ultimate Texas Hold Em’ in less than 10 minutes!

Once you think you’ve got it down, come in to Newcastle Casino and play a few hands against our dealers. If you still want some help once you get here, the dealer will be more than willing to show you the ropes.

Source: YouTube

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How to Play Ultimate Texas Hold Em’

10 thoughts on “How to Play Ultimate Texas Hold Em’

  1. どっからどう見てもディーラーフラッシュです。

  2. This is a teaching video??? You missed the dealer winner hand, this seams like a set up to loss money.

  3. Wait, am I missing something? The dealer has a flush, and he's paying a two pair for the win? This guy is wearing a suit which means he's probably a supervisor. Fire him immediately. haha

  4. This video is BAD marketing for your casino. When you remake it, please do without the 1960's 'western' music – it is very bad and overbearing. Hey, here's an idea! Next time hire someone who knows how to market a project.

  5. wow in what world do you win when you have 2 pair and dealer has flush I want to go there lol

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