Ultimate Texas Hold Em! WE HIT AN UNEXPECTED BIG HAND! @Slotty D joined!

Texas Holdem Strategy Video Source & Information:

Another exciting live stream from the gambling capital of the world, LAS VEGAS!

Is this the stream we hit QUADS, or a straight flush or royal flush? I hope!

Check out other live streams that include blackjack, ultimate texas hold em, baccarat, and even some dumb roulette strategies! Click on the playlists to see more live table action!

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email: brandonobrien@aol.com

Source: YouTube

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Ultimate Texas Hold Em! WE HIT AN UNEXPECTED BIG HAND! @Slotty D joined!

10 thoughts on “Ultimate Texas Hold Em! WE HIT AN UNEXPECTED BIG HAND! @Slotty D joined!

  1. Hey Brandon, I'm bummed I missed your Live tonight. I was at my local casino losing my pants πŸ˜‚πŸ˜© as usual. I watched the replay and of course it was great as always. πŸ‘ Great that Steve joined you for a while. Have a safe trip home and I'm already looking forward to your next trip back. 😍

  2. This is what I enjoy watching when I am in the mood to watch these types of videos. Similar bet level too. Keep being πŸ”₯

  3. Awesome stream and you really have all that it takes to make the stream fun-positively and humor a+ good collabe with Steve and I laughed out loud when u said you were here with Danielle and Debby downer-I think you rubbed off on Steve though safe travels back-Go bills!

  4. We had a great time!! Glad we all won. And that Quads hand was insane!! Thanks for having us and thanks for playing in our live πŸ€πŸ€

  5. How do you only have 550 likes with over 5000 views??? Come on everyone hit that like button πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

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