Poker Etiquette “The 12 Unwritten Rules”

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Poker Etiquette “The 12 Unwritten Rules” breaks down the nuances of etiquette in the game of tournament poker into an easy to digest 12 step process for new players to follow.
If you are nervous about playing in tournaments and are afraid of embarrassing yourself at the tables don’t agonize and further because you are in the right place. We are going to teach you exactly what to do to look like a seasoned player out on the felt!
Buckle up because we are about to get started listing the Poker Etiquette Top 12:
1. Be friendly at the table
2. Know the rules of the house before playing
3. Pay attention
4. Act in turn ONLY
5. Don’t show your cards
6. Don’t react to the cards when they are dealt
7. Don’t discuss a hand when people are still involved in the hand
8. Make proper bets and don’t string bet
9. Don’t splash the pot
10. Don’t showboat
11. Don’t constantly complain about your cards or blame the dealer
12. Show the dealer and staff appreciation
Following all of these tips on Poker Etiquette will make you a player that everyone will like. No one will have a clue how long you have been playing the game and how much experience you have. This will help keep you in the game longer because other players won’t feel the need to come after you for being a fish or acting like a jerk.
I know you picked up a lot of information from this Poker Etiquette video and you may have trouble remembering everything that we went over today. Once you’ve had a chance to play quite a bit of poker you will get all of this stuff down. Until then I wanted to let you know that there is a free wallet size cheat sheet that contains all of the information we went over today and a bunch more.
It is all found in our printable Tournament Poker Quick Start Guide. In this PDF we give you all of the basics to become a tough player right out of the gate. You will even give seasoned pros trouble with all of the gems we will teach you. And it is all designed to learn in less than 8 days! Well thanks for joining us and remember to get in the game and stay in the game, with Pro Pair Poker!

Source: YouTube

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Poker Etiquette “The 12 Unwritten Rules”

10 thoughts on “Poker Etiquette “The 12 Unwritten Rules”

  1. The guy looks and sounds like he's doing his best to not judge and not cringe at the hypothetical dude that needs to hear these.

  2. This guy is incorrect when discussing knowing what to raise by, it is not always double what the guy before you bet.

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