10 thoughts on “Baccarat Hook Patterns and Range betting ( The terrible 2’s)

  1. How often do you play at brick and mortar casinos? Which ones? Show us some live play or scorecards with the chips that you won. What is your stock strategy? I like covered calls and cash-secured puts 🙂

  2. Another fantastic video Moe! Thank you very much. Greatly appreciated.

    Just received your Excel spreadsheet.
    EVERYONE should get it even if it is just to support your efforts.
    I could probably program one myself but it was must easier just to get it from you and it is super helpful.

    Lastly, IMHO – Flat Betting + Parlaying 1,2 on a trend play is the way to go. I had a long conversation with a friend over the course of a couple weeks about bet progressions. Today, negative progressions are a "No-No". Why introduce all kinds of stress into the game at greater risk and lower return? The Rush/Greed? If one wants stress/the adrenaline rush, crank up the bet size flat betting and see how that feels!
    I might play D'Alambert/up 1-down 1, but why increase the risk? Answer: Just for the "Rush"? If one has a >55% hit rate on hands played, Flat Betting offers the greatest return with the lowest amount of risk. Ohhhh…. that's right… everyone is so focused in on "The number of UNITS I won" that they forget that the focus is on making money – ROI (Return on Investment). I no longer think in terms of "units". I know of one baccarat guru who claims to get 50+ units/shoe. When looking at his bet progression, it is equivalent to 5 flat bets and because it is a progression, it requires a greater bankroll requirement. Again, ROI and not units won (although we need to speak in terms of units somewhat).

    Once again, thanks for the efforts Moe! 😀

  3. Baccarat edge 💯…. On lower stakes tables u should attack aggressively ( one bet up & and pull it down leaving up the original units up)….

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