Baccarat Chi New Discovery System with M.M. 3/26/19

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So far this system with the addition of incorporating the True Trend System ..Has REALLY done well : )) Also I found a casino with REALLY good live feed which I will be playing very soon. I spend a lot of time looking for one and this site which came via a comment : )) Cheers : ))

Source: YouTube

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Baccarat Chi New Discovery System with M.M. 3/26/19

7 thoughts on “Baccarat Chi New Discovery System with M.M. 3/26/19

  1. Hi chi, how bout doing it the other way round, going after the favourites instead? What do u think?kindly advise thks

  2. How do you feel about changing the progression to 1-3-5 instead of 1-3-4? That way a win after two losses nets one unit instead of zero. And if you lose your first three you still profit with 2 straight wins (6 units – 4 units). Also, I'm not entirely clear on how your progression works after you've lost a few bets. Sometimes you drop 2 units after a win and sometimes it's just 1. And when do you decide to reset to your base bet?

  3. Wow, you missed a hell of a banker's streak! This always happens to me too, soon as I log into a live game whatever steak was going, abruptly ends… ;(

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