BACCARAT 379: We get deeper into the Fibonacci

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‘System With No Name’ to determine bet placement and this is how this strategy works:

I will be using ‘P’ for Player and ‘B’ for Banker

After P P happens on the main road your bet placement sequence will be: B B B P P P B until you get a win then reset back to 1 unit and wait for the next trigger

When a tie occurs, repeat your last bet: same location and same denomination


After B B happens on the main road your bet placement sequence will be: P P P B B B P until you get a win then reset back to 1 unit and wait for the next trigger.

When a tie occurs, repeat your last bet: same location and same denomination

Fibonacci Negative Progression Money Management System

The Fibonacci Sequence starts with 0 and 1 and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous 2 numbers and continues to infinity.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, … and this sequence occurs commonly on mathematics and in nature.

For us, we will ignore the 0 and the first 1 and start betting on the second 1.

Win move 2 levels to the left (lowest level is the first level 1 unit)

Lose move 1 level to the right.

You can progress as high into the sequence as you wish, The Baccologist plans to progress only up to the 11th level of 144 units. If a loss occurs at the 11th level, The Baccologist would like to either end the session or restart at level 1, 1 unit again and NOT go on tilt.

When a tie occurs, repeat your last bet: same location and same denomination

Make sure your bankroll is the proper size for the level you want to go up to for the Finonacci Money Management based on your unit size also make sure the table limit will be able to accommodate which ever level you choose to progress to.

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Source: YouTube

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