7 thoughts on “Baccarat 6&8 ! Session 2 Best 678 Strategy! $$$

  1. Way to go Waylon on the baccarat 6 7 8 strategy. Looks like a winner👍& daily paycheck! Sincerely Frankie from the great borough of the 45th President Queens NY. You are the best buddy” 🙂

  2. I like this strategy, but I get up to betting 10 12 units a lot. I have even lost 100 units practicing on Win Craps.

  3. Big money maker. Could lose real fast as well. Need to really watch your bankroll. Thanks for sharing waylon.

  4. Waylon, this is another amazing strategy! Just tested it on Crapsee, starting with a $1500 bankroll. I won $1925 following your system. It's strong as elevator rope!!!! Roll Tide!!! 🙂

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