8 thoughts on “How to Beat Baccarat !! By Gambling Chi : )) 1/30/20

  1. Hey Chi, This New P system has been doing GREAT for you so far. So it's nemesis would be 3Bs followed by 2Ps, 3B's, 2p's…….. Some other patterns that would hurt it but not as much would be 3Bs, 3Ps, 3Bs, 3Ps… Or 4 Bs, 2Ps, 4Bs, 2Ps…. So far you have hit a few really good shoes for this New P system. After you play it for a while you will be taking some trips down the rabbit hole of course but you should be able to recover just like in the past.

  2. Looking forward to next vid. TY.
    Please reiterate again, PXPXPXBXBXBX then B(4th time) for chop, if loss then go to player. If 4thB won, stay on B.
    Is that correct.

    Hey and really thanks for all these vids and ur time. Fullllly appreciated.

  3. Big fan of ur videos, How can I contact u on email or Facebook messenger ? Had some questions I'm new to baccarat need some good advice.

  4. I’ve been practicing your player system!! Haven’t lost yet!! Well done!👍👍👍

  5. I tried this system i lost so badly.
    7 loss straight in real money😭
    Are you playing your system with real money or just a game?

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