10 thoughts on “Baccarat Winning Strategy “LIVE PLAY ” BIG BET !!! 3/4/21

  1. Wow, you really had my heart pounding there. Most exercise I've had since the last snow storm. That sure would have sucked if that hand you missed would have been a Banker. Turned out great though. It sure did seem like you were 100% positive on that BIG Chi bet.

    So now where are all those trolls who say you play for peanuts?

  2. What I love about this the MOST is you took an ABSOLUTE ASS BEATING today and STILL Came out VICTORIOUS!!!
    Hands down that's what Great Players do! They Find a way to win.
    How you push through the WORST TIMES is MUCH More important than how you handle easy street. That Bar None SEPARATES the Elite from the Broken Down jokers 🃏!!
    This right here shows why you are one of the best Baccarat Players on you tube!
    What a treat this was. 😎

  3. congratulations for new headphone chi. you are the coach. excellent game chi. cheers mate. my heart stopped when you bet 500$ myyyyyyyyy

  4. Hi chi sir,
    May I know many bankroll have to ready for the long terms win in chi 1 chi2 system?

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