Blackjack Math – How To Use CVCX (Blackjack) (2018)

Blackjack Strategy Video Source & Information:

Blackjack software is used by advantage players to determine the best betting strategy. The software will tell you what your expected value (EV) or average win rate will be over the long run. It also shows you what your risk of losing both your entire bankroll and trip bankroll is.
This is a brief tutorial for CVCX.

CVCX link:

Richard Munchkin YouTube Channel:
DarkStarBlackjack Book:
Twitter: @DarkStarVegas

Email for Training Opportunities:

Source: YouTube

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Blackjack Math – How To Use CVCX (Blackjack) (2018)

6 thoughts on “Blackjack Math – How To Use CVCX (Blackjack) (2018)

  1. Hi Darkstar, thank you for the video. In the scenario presented the trip bankroll is $8k with total BR being $25k giving roughly a 30% of total BR at risk at any one time, am I understanding that scenario correctly and is it me or does that seem risky? I operate with 10 trip BR’s always in reserve, do you feel that is way to conservative given the scenario you have shown here? I understand completely that it is always merely a math equation in addition to comfort level of ROR but I’m curious if you personally operate / work while risking approximately 30% of total BR as shown here? Thank you again Darkstar for what you do.

  2. There is a blackjack hall of fame? I dont know if I would want to be in there it would make it harder to stay under the radar. I wouldnt mind being in it after my death.

  3. I saw someone split 10's yesterday – something I almost never see and they got no heat. You guessed it – he was an guy.

  4. For the deck penetration do you watch the tables to see how far they deal into the shoe before playing and then put that number into Cvcx? Also for the players do you just guess how many players you think will be at the table for cvcx?

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