Martingale System IMPROVED!

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The Martingale System works until you go broke. I have improved on the Martingale System, If you are not sure what the Martingale System is… Martingale System is a progressive betting system that requires you to double your bet when you lose to recoup your losses. Martingale System works great until you lose a bunch of hands in a row and you are faced with a big bet to recover your losses and go bust.

The Problems with the Martingale System
1. You end up betting this massive amount of money and losing or not willing to bet that massive amount.
2. You go broke because of a losing streak.
3. You max out the table limits.

How I addressed the Martingale System issues in my improved revision.
1. No more massive bets
2. You can withstand longer losing streaks and still win
3. You are betting smaller amounts never reaching the table limit.

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Source: YouTube

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Martingale System IMPROVED!

10 thoughts on “Martingale System IMPROVED!

  1. Nice video, thanks.
    I am also testing Martingale variations but applied to trading where I risk 1 to win 2, which allows me to "place more trades" sort of speak, plus I trade trends so that I can have an edge instead of relying just in luck.

  2. Will this work on football over1.5 goals around half time when the odds around the evens

  3. This actually works…i done a 7 colume stragety on baccarat… well man….well done…i subscribed because its awesome

  4. Scotty , this is older video but I've been modifying and tinkering with this strategy a lot thanks!.. I basically each day have 5 columns and set the max at each column to 3. At the End of the Day I take whataver profit I get, or if it is a loss I let it be. Then start over the next day. So far overall up..

  5. I have played martingale. Sometimes a win but ultimately a losing strategy on its own. This video is very ridiculous. Following this method will make you lose much faster then martingale with NO CHANCE to win. Did a casino make this as a scam? Don't try this. If you don't want you money you might enjoy it longer by lighting it on fire. But the best thing you can do is contact me to give me as much as you don't want to keep.

  6. If i cant net profit at least equal to the total invested ammount at any given step i dont bet at all. It wont worth it. It doesnt work with every kind of bet therefor at least that i net profit the ammount of the bet of that hand

  7. Kicking the loss can down the road I think. BUT… maybe we'll make some money and die before that day comes! lol

  8. Wouldn't it be the same if (let's say you're playing Roulette) and you create 5 different outcomes and bet on them? Let's say you play RBBRB, and you win only 2 of those outcomes. Next, create 5 more different outcomes and bet on them. If you had lost the first bet from the first created set, now you double your bets on the first bet for the second set, and so on.

    (R for red, B for black)

    RBBRB………we're betting 1 unit for each outcome
    LWWLL………we lose on 3 of them and win on 2

    BBBRR……….now we'll double out bets on the first bet, on 4th and on the 5th bets.

    What's the difference with the way you play? It's easier when playing on a land based casino. You just have to make up the sessions in your mind, or you can write them down on a piece of paper before you to go to the casino.

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