5 thoughts on “My New #1 Best Craps Casino Strategy ! The Denver Double Mountain

  1. Didn’t you say you had trip planned to Biloxi coming up? When was that again? Might be able to meet up

  2. u smart man. totally agree hedge on dp come out bs.. waste of money. hedging in general craps casino friendly. math says so love your videos have a new startegy that i love.

  3. I believe you found the safest strategy to use in Vegas as long as you stick with it. Increase your Don't Pass and some (not necessarily all) place bets on a new session only after your bankroll has increased sufficiently enough to do so. Stay focused and unemotional and take home the bacon for a change. Best of luck! Nice to see your composure improving with each new strategy you're evaluating. I also recommend you run this strategy a few more times before the trip to see how risky it is.

  4. Crackin' me up the way you clap out after color up, Dealer in another life?
    Really like the place bet exchange for your DC's, agree with the no hedge on DP come out, I stop after one come out loss &/or Pass per shooter.
    Good strategy build if it can survive a 20+ roll shoot, minimal progression on DC's replaced may be key

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