10 thoughts on “How A Card Counter AVOIDED getting CAUGHT – #blackjack #cardcounting #blackjackstrategy

  1. Thank goodness for casino greed took this guy from 28k annual income to 40k which isn't terrible thanks to comps #love yougreedycasinos

  2. You really think rat-holing works? Nooo, they let you think it works. If the casino really want to know how much you win, they can do it anytime they want. Did you forget about the thousands eyes they have? And they can rewind that and start adding and deducting to the amount you lost each hand or whenever they pay you out. That’s the reason they don’t allow you to take your money back until your paid.

  3. I rat hold my initial buy in when I get up that way I never lose my bankroll, obviously this doesn’t work every time bc sometimes the shoe comes very cold

  4. Does a low bet help to stay under the radar? Obviously you win less, but I'm curious how it affects the detection of counting cards.

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