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#Kyle #BlackJack #Gambling
Source: YouTube

okay , listening back , i deff need to turn EVERYTHING up…you can hear things but it shouldnt be this hard to lol , sry yall .. next time ill have everything turned up way more
Kyle can you please explain your logic with standing on 16 vs 7. Out of all the non bust cards, 7 is statistically the worst card to stand on 16 against.
Elon did judo since he was young
u say nothing when people hit bad but makes u win the hand…. and u tilt so much when they hit bad but u loose the hand
21:18 you split would have given you 21 21 😅
Does anyone know what website this is ?
i hate missing your streams but it gives me lots of content when i do
13:25. start
bro this guy mcgiddy had the night of his life on bj fr fr 🤣🤣