10 thoughts on “How I built my practice craps table

  1. Hi Justin,
    I hope I'm not being a pain in the ass with all my questions, but I'm getting anxious to start to build my table. I watched your video a few times but I have some questions if you can help.
    You start with a regular white heavy plastic table for the support. I have a table like that already that measures 8' long by 29" wide by 29" high. If I would use a 4' by 10' piece of plywood for the training table, that seems like a good amount of overhang on the white plastic table. Did you use the 2" by 3" to insure the training table would be stable? I could use 2" x 4" supports that would run all around the support table and secure them into the top plywood that will be my training table to insure it stays stable without movement. I'm asking you your opinion because your table looks much narrower than Bone Thrower's table. Do you remember the size of the table cover you bought? If you have some time to comment I would be very thankful to you.

    Danny Bongiorno

  2. hey justin thanks man you save my money I really appreciate . where i can buy felt for table the same one ? please let me know where did you buy that?

  3. Thanks
    I'm trying to build a practice table. I feel I have to use the same material and thickness and same dice. If I don't then what good is my practice if I'll get different results in live action?

  4. https://www.avs4you.com/powerful-video-maker.aspx?utm_source=google.{source_type}&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=cid_66340114_search&utm_content=aid_265536915090&utm_term=freeware%20video%20editor&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjJuNns6T5wIVsSCtBh2miQfTEAAYASAAEgKmYPD_BwE

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