2 thoughts on “Craps Strategy make over $6000.00 using this Low Risk High Pay off!!!

  1. Sorry the video cut off but you didn’t missed much I seven out one roll later for a total of “35 Rolls”. Also my math was a little off on the ATS should have been $6125 for that $75 bucks bet and my initial 7 box numbers hit would have netted $510 for a grand Total of $6635. Bottom line, everyone would have made off like a bandit on that roll! I really believe the Crossed Sixes is great set for hitting the ATS Bonus. Thanks for watching!

  2. You should buy the 4 and 10 that way instead of only making $90 when you hit them you get $100 and it only costs $2 vig to do it that way. Nice video though!!

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