Double Tap Crapless Craps Strategy

Craps Strategy Video Information:

Testing out a modified double tap craps strategy on a crapless craps table. With the double tap strategy, you power press the first hit on an inside number, and if the number repeats or “double taps” you can regress the inside numbers down and lock up a profit. This modification also adds the extreme outside numbers, but they pay so well, there is no need to regress.

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Source: YouTube

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Double Tap Crapless Craps Strategy

8 thoughts on “Double Tap Crapless Craps Strategy

  1. Double Tap on a crapless? I'm interested in hearing more. Not sure if I have the guts to try it on a real table. Love that your son is rolling! Makes it even more random. Great color up!

  2. The outside numbers pay so well. I wonder what success could be had if you just placed the 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, and 12 at $25 a piece. A single hit of a 2 or 12 makes the entire table free.

  3. So what does 12 place bet pay? $10 bet pays 55? Is that an auto buy? Green Action!

  4. Question Jeremy,,, do you think crapless craps is a good or bad thing for craps ?
    Great video. Thanks for your hard work.

  5. So why are the dice blanking to white as you stick them to your son? Just find that odd. Is it just a light reflection?

  6. out of ALL the craps videos I have watched I am very interested in strats for crapless games. I can see me walking up the table and saying, "give me $104 across" on a $10 dollar table. I would love to make Come bets and have them all loaded though, no lie. I would have hit the ATS!

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