10 thoughts on “Feed the 6&8 craps strategy 3-5 3-1 dice set V 3

  1. Don Laughlin and The Tropicana have their table shortened to 8’ during slow hours. Stick right only and one person running the game. Go tear ‘em up son!

  2. That bouncy table won’t do you any good out there. They were all rigid hard tables.

  3. Also a good time to give up tobacco and use that other stuff that don’t hurt ya.

  4. It’d be cool if you had a dry erase board up to keep track of how many
    All, Tall, & Small you’ve gotten 🤓

  5. Like the strategy — for me I think I would do a little twist to it – when the 5 or 9 hits , i would place the 6 or 8 for $30 instead of dropping a $1 and going to $36 – take the extra $5 from the hit and press the 5 or 9 itself – dice tend to have a memory for some reason and I would think we can take advantage of the 5 and 9 in case you are consistently throwing those numbers – every hit press your 6 or 8 $30 and then press 5 and 9 with the extra – of coarse collecting once in awhile to recoup your investment and have bankroll for more shooters — keep the videos coming

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