Modified version of the Best Craps System

Craps Strategy Video Information:

This is a modified version of the Best Craps System – turn $300 into $4000+

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Modified version of the Best Craps System

10 thoughts on “Modified version of the Best Craps System

  1. This is the exact way I have been playing for a while, except when establishing a DC # on the don’t pass I lay odds enough to make at least $100 if the 7 rolls

  2. PLEASE login w/ YUT credintials? Damn, I want to watch this video, but not right now…? I am logged in w/ my YUT pw and screenname….whats the problem Sir? R u selling another gambeling program or are you trying to show your fellow man what you gleened or learned from another practice with the "wizzardoodds" free website where I can go for free…

  3. I like this strategy! It make sense to hedge, but it does leave a lot of money out there. However, losses are definitely minimized when the 7 shows.

  4. Why don't you ever hedge the DC wager with the any 7 bar which pays 4-1. I could care less somebody gives me a dirty look because I say put money on the any 7 wager. Thanks love the system always play something like it for the last 20 years hedge hedge hedge hedge the only way to go

  5. Okay, Kerry, from what I’ve seen, your system seems to be pretty good. But I’m confused on something, and I know I may sound like a noob, but I couldn’t find your beginners video to touch on it, but my question to my confusion is this, what is the difference between “buying the 4,5,6,8,9,10, or making “place bets” out the gate. And what changes between a “come bet” and a “placed or bought bet” other than that along with when your hedging against the “11” on the “Don’t Come” roll, why would you place a “snake-eyes”, “C&E”, and/or the “3”? They aren’t single roll bets and you can take them down after the roll out… or am I missing something? I would really like to talk to you and pick your brain but I guess this will do or you could do another video to answer the questions others and myself have asked up until now. Anyway, thanks for your insight and your system in advance.

  6. Love the strategy but hate his presentation of it. He literally changes his strategy as he goes along with the video (ex : says he puts $90 between the "pass Line" and the "Dont pass Bar" then says he puts $100 on it the next time he mentions it. He should try and explain the system before the roll not AFTER. I play craps a average amount and even I was having trouble keeping up.

  7. Great job explaining presentation,  Question Kerry: On your strategy video on the DC.  Why do you take down the Place bets and Odd bet when rolling a DC roll. If you roll a place  or come bet that on. what happens?  Dennis

  8. So, i've run this a couple times. First time i left the casino $1K up after playing for 3 nights straight. The 2nd time I was up only $300 after playing for about 5 days straight. What's interesting is that i remember one part on the 2nd time that we just went through a cycle of really bad rollers and it cleared the table, basically a full table went down to like 3 players left in about an hour and i was only down like $50 with plenty of bankroll left to play. I have a craps table at my house and practice with a bankroll to see how this all works and get comfortable making all the bets live. One modification that i made, was to just not place odds on your come bet numbers when they hit until they hit a 2nd time. I feel like then i'm always making money. Just a thought.

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