Claps or Cra*s? | TIPS for Climbing in Soloq | Caps Ep.5

Craps Tips Video Source:

Claps or Cra*s? Insane plays as Yasuo but…
Caps explain how to climb and make the best out of soloq

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Stream 17/09/19

#Caps #Claps #G2

Source: YouTube

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Claps or Cra*s? | TIPS for Climbing in Soloq | Caps Ep.5

5 thoughts on “Claps or Cra*s? | TIPS for Climbing in Soloq | Caps Ep.5

  1. He Craps
    He Claps
    He avoid broxah Camps
    But most importantly , He Dabs

    You guessed it , it's G2 Caps Dad. LOL

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