craps 101-lecture 8-six eight strategy (part I)

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This video continues Dr. Skaff’s lecture on playing craps with two players from his class. This is part I of a two part lecture on playing a 6-8 strategy.

Source: YouTube

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craps 101-lecture 8-six eight strategy (part I)

7 thoughts on “craps 101-lecture 8-six eight strategy (part I)

  1. it would seem a better risk to place odds on the 8 rather than place bet the 6: doing both seems a good choice, but i hear what you're saying about having xxx amount of money at risk. thanks for the video

  2. Is it at absolute rule that place bets on 6 and 8 must be in multiples of 6? You couldn't bet 5 dollars (at a 5 dollar minimum table)?

  3. @patrckhh20 yes, even a $5 table requires a $6 bet, you could bet $7-11 but the payout gets all screwed up so you keep it simple with $6 bets so you come out even because your payout is $7 for every $6 you bet. A $10 game would require a $12 bet on either the 6 or 8.

  4. I thought the whole purpose of craps was to make money……..then get the heck out of the casino.

  5. You need to always play the odds. It's the only bet that doesn't have a house edge

  6. Blue hairs in the house- always bet with them from my experience.

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